Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Adventures With Seth!

Hi everybody, from Seth! You’ll never believe where I am! After lots of flying and kicking my soft soccer ball in the airport and being good (I really tried to be good) we made it to Uganda. I remembered my Uncle Francis who lives here at my house and I gave him a big hug when I saw him. And I was even sleeping when we drove into my house but I woke up so fast and jumped out of my car seat and from that time until now (a month later) I have been running around this place in so much happiness!!!!! Most of the time I can just wear my diaper and I can run out in my bare feet and I need a shower every day because I am sweaty and stinky, mom says. And now that I can see all my own toys I keep telling mom and dad that they are ‘mine’!!!! There are pictures on the fridge of my grandpas and grandmas and cousins and aunties and uncles and friends and I like to remember them. And we pray for them at night too. And I have some new books about snow and snowmen and those are my best ones. And I bring my little hockey sticks out on the grass every day and play hockey with a little soccer ball. But I still practice my kicking the soccer ball too. And you know what? I get to eat avocados and mangos and pineapples almost every day. And I swing on my swing under the tree every day. And I’m trying to be nice to Jodie and share my swing with her. But I still tell her it’s mine. She ignores me when I say that. And always she likes me. When she sees me she smiles and waits for me to kiss her and then she smiles again. When I read stories to myself in the kitchen while mom is cooking, Jodie looks at the pictures from her stroller. She sits up as big as she can so she can see. I don’t worry too much if she can see or not….. because they are my books.
But mom says I have to tell all the news because she and daddy are too busy taking care of us to write very much stuff this time. I guess I’ve been a little extra work because I am getting four new teeth at one time. Two pointy ones on the bottom in the front and two big molars in the back. Boy, do I feel grumpy. I cry about little stuff. But I don’t cry about bumps any more. I’ve had a bandaid, lots of scraped knuckles, a bloody ankle, a big scratch on my arm, a bump on my head from our big door, and a swollen scrape on my cheek ( I just got that one today). And I only cried a little bit about the scrape on my face and the bump on the door. Otherwise mommy has been wondering where I got my owies and I don’t know…. I just keep playing! Mom says I have to leave room for Jodie to write and for pictures. Boy, sisters like to talk! When she gets bigger I really want her to play with me….. sometimes I take her hand and say, ‘Come on Jodie, let’s go!’ She smiles so big but mom says she can’t play yet. I really like her. So I won’t say any more because Jodie wants to talk too. I miss everybody…. I really like all of you! Good bye! Seth

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