Thursday, February 7, 2008

Adventures With Seth

I’ve been getting in a little bit of trouble. Because now I can crawl all over this house and I can pull myself up on everything!!! Isn’t that so cool? I am having so much fun. It takes me just one half of a minute to be somewhere else and checking out new stuff. But there are some things in this house that mom and dad say I can’t have. Not very many but it’s all the really fun stuff (like mommy’s plants and the stereo with the cool buttons and especially the Christmas tree!). So usually when I think no one is looking I try to touch them…. Then mom or dad says ‘Seth, no-o-o.’ Then I sit right down. Then usually I just smile and start doing something else. But sometimes I still really want that fun thing so I grab it again. That’s when I get the trouble. But all of mommy and daddy’s friends say I am a good boy. I am having so much fun! You know what was my best thing? My grandpa and grandma from Canada came here for a long time to see me. Now I love them so much. In the mornings grandpa or grandma would come and get me and I would play with them in their bed for a while and we would read stories and play with the balls I got for Christmas. And I really liked having grandma on one side of me and grandpa on the other side and I was in the center of the world! It was like that in the car too. When we went to church or took little trips. When daddy wasn’t going to work we traveled to see Uganda and I saw cool stuff. But my favorite thing was being in my car seat between grandpa and grandma and they would feed me and laugh with me and it was the center of the world! But then one day we took a car trip to where the planes are and everyone had tears except for me. And grandpa and grandma went inside but we had to stay outside and I played peek-a-boo with them through the window. I was smiling and they did too but they had tears. I didn’t know why but then when we went home grandpa and grandma stayed at that place. Now this house is too quiet and I keep looking for grandpa and grandma. And guess what? They are on the fridge! I miss playing with them but daddy says I will see them again when we go to Canada. But you know what? At my house there’s a man who guards the house at night. His name is Francis. He is my favorite black person in the whole world! We are buds! Then at my house there is Auntie Ann who cleans the red dirt form the floor every day because mommy says otherwise I am the little mop. I love Auntie too. Then there is a boy named Kenneth who lives here too. Daddy says he was kidnapped to be a child soldier for the LRA army in the north. But Jesus rescued him from that place and he knows Jesus and he works for the school with my dad. And you know what? Every day he plays the guitar and sings songs about Jesus just outside my bedroom. And when I hear him my arms and legs can’t stop moving and I want to go out there and clap and sing with Uncle Kenneth. So he lets me sit with him and listen and watch while he plays and sings for me. We are buds too! So you see, at my house I have so many people that love me. I don’t know this word but daddy says I might get ‘spoiled’. I think it means something like ‘famous’ because he always says it when everyone is really noticing how cute I am. Anyway…. I have to go now and make a mess of my toys. But next time when I write to you I think I will be walking all over this house. So then I will have more bumps and scratches on me (today my lip has a little cut because I fell down). Good bye. Seth

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